How to Get Rid of Acne at Home
Eliminating acne is the goal that all women want to achieve. Not always have to be treated at a beauty clinic, you can also make it happen with at home.
From time to time, removing acne is a concern for women. Because, who does not want to have healthy and smooth facial skin? One pimple appears and is inflamed, so overall facial beauty feels reduced, you also become less confident. If you are not the type of person who has plenty of time to visit a beauty clinic. The steps to treating facial acne with the following may be applicable.
Remove Makeup Until It's Clean
One reason that makes acne worse is the habit of using makeup. Many women who are careful when applying makeup, but careless when cleaning it. So, if you are a person who often uses makeup, then pay close attention when cleaning it. Double or even triple cleanser to make sure the makeup is completely wiped clean. Use ULTIMA II Going Going Gone to clean makeup including even waterproof ones. While cleaning eye makeup, you can use ULTIMA II Eye Makeup Remover. After that, wash your face with water and facial cleanser.
Salt Water Steam
If your face in beauty clinic has been evaporated, then you can also apply it at home regularly as one way to get rid of zits. Just prepare a basin of hot water that is freshly grounded and mix with salt to taste. Bring your face close to the basin until hot steam is felt on your face. Salt water vapor can dilate blood vessels in the face so that the intake of nutrients and oxygen will enter the cells of the facial skin and make the skin look healthier.
Exfoliation More Often
As we get older, skin regeneration slows down. Included also with the process of loss of dead skin cells from the face. You may have to try to optimize this process by using a scrub to exfoliate the face. Just do it once a week with Vital Radiance Foaming Exfaliator.
Apply Skincare Routine
Don't ignore the routine of using skincare. Many people diligently use makeup but are lazy to apply skincare. At the very least, take your time to do a face wash routine with CHR Essentials Purifying Cleansing Gel. Facial cleansers containing non-soapbase provide a soothing and refreshing effect on facial skin.
Continue to apply CHR Essentials Purifying Toner which helps balance facial skin PH, remove dead skin cells, control oil production and sebum, disguise facial pores but still maintain water content on facial skin.
Finally use CHR Essentials Intense Moisturizer UV Protection. Moisturizers that control oil and sebum production, maintain facial skin texture, and maintain facial skin from UV exposure.
If moderate pimples appear on your face, apply CHR Essentials Rescue Stick as a first aid to relieve inflamed zits. This concentrated serum helps dry and reduce inflammation in zits and helps restore skin texture.
The entire CHR Essentials product range from ULTIMA II is suitable for use by oily and acne prone skin. Each product contains Encapsulated Salicylic Acid and Willow Bark extract as an anti bacterial agent and ACNE FIGHTER; and Hyaluronic Acid and Witch Hazel extract as Natural Moisturizing Factor which hydrates the skin for facial skin that feels supple and soft. Enriched with Vitamin C and Vitamin E as antioxidants to brighten the skin and Solluble Collagen which is the main content of ULTIMA II.
Easy isn't it? You can start from now. Don't be lazy to treat facial skin and enjoy the results yourself!